
Приклад оформлення статті

TITLE: [Enter here the title of manuscript in sentence case.]

AUTHORS: [List here all author names; identify authors with author affiliations with superscript Arabic numerals]
[First Name Middle Name Family Name1, academic qualification]
[First Name Middle Name Family Name 1, academic qualification]
[First Name Middle Name Family Name 2, academic qualification]
[First Name Middle Name Family Name 2, academic qualification]
[First Name Middle Name Family Name 3, academic qualification]
[First Name Middle Name Family Name 3, academic qualification]

AFFILIATIONS: [List here all author affiliations including position in the department, department, institute, city, state, country, email; identify authors with author affiliations with superscript Arabic numerals]
1 [Author affiliations – position, department, institute, city, state, country, email ID]
2 [Author affiliations – position, department, institute, city, state, country, email ID]
3 Author affiliations – position, department, institute, city, state, country, email ID]

[Give here name, contact address, contact phone number, email and fax number of the corresponding author, Corresponding author must be one of the authors of the manuscript.]
[First Name   Middle Name   Family Name]
[Complete Mailing Address]
[Postal Code]
[Contact Phone Number - Country prefix followed by full phone number]
[Contact Email]
[Fax number - Country prefix followed by full fax number]

Short Running Title: [Give here a short title of the paper, less than 40 characters]

Guarantor of Submission: The corresponding author is the guarantor of submission.
[If an author other than the corresponding author is the Guarantor of Submission, delete the previous line, write the name of the individual and give the details below.]

Guarantor of Submission (if not the corresponding author)
[Give here name, contact address, contact phone number, email and fax number of the guarantor of Submission, if other than the corresponding author]
[First Name   Middle Name   Family Name]
[Complete Mailing Address]
[Postal Code]
[Contact Phone Number - Country prefix followed by full phone number]
[Contact Email]
[Fax number - Country prefix followed by full fax number]

[This section of the manuscript is optional. It is up to the author(s) to decide whether to include this section in the manuscript.]

["Summary" of your work is a short description of the work being presented in your article. It is longer than the "Abstract" which is limited to 250 words for all types of articles. After reading the "Summary" a reader should be able to understand the background information, why the work is being reported, what the significant results are, and what may be the explanation for the results.]

[Although writing an additional section in the form of "Summary" of your work may seem like and extra burden on your time and resources, it will be an important part of your manuscript especially for articles which are highly technical. Many times readers who are students, or who are not expert on the subject of the article or readers who are experts but in related subjects may skip reading an article if on first look the article appears to be very technical with lot of data, facts and statistics. Some other articles may not be easy to understand, on first reading, even by experts in the subject of the article. The "Summary" section will help the readers in understanding the results of your study.]

·         The recommended word limit for "Summary" for Review Article is –  800 words (2 pages)
·         When writing the "Summary" use as simple and as non-technical language as possible. Write the "Summary" as if you are explaining your study to a first year graduate student.
·         Do not repeat or copy text verbatim from the main text of your manuscript. "Summary" will probably be the most important and most widely read part of your manuscript. Write it fresh as a separate section.
·         In the "Summary" give: 1) relevant background information, 2) why the work was done, 3) what were the significant results, 4) possible explanation of the results.
·         Only give the significant results of your study and give their possible explanation.
·         Do not compare your results with other studies.
·         Do not give references in the "Summary" section. First reference should start in main text of your manuscript from the "Introduction" section.

TITLE: [Enter Here the Title of Manuscript in Sentence Case.]

[Structured or unstructured abstract as required by the manuscript]
[Less than 250 words for all manuscripts]
Keywords: [Four to six keywords for indexing purpose]

TITLE: [Enter here the title of manuscript in sentence case.]
[Type or copy/paste the manuscript text under the headings below. References are in square brackets, e.g. [1, 2, 3] and figures/tables are in parenthesis, e.g. (Figure 1) or (Table 1)]

[Type or copy/paste your text here]

[After “INTRODUCTION” rest of the headings or subheadings can be as required by the manuscript]

[Heading (level 1 heading is in CAPITALS followed by text)]

[Subheading (level 2 heading is in sentence case, followed by text)

[Subheading (level 3 heading is in sentence case, in line with text) – DDDD DDDD DDDDDD DDDDDDDD DDDDDD DDDDDDD DDDDDD DDDD DDD D D   DDDD DDDDDD D D DD DD]

[Type or copy/paste your text here]

[Declare here if any financial interest or any conflict of interest exists. ]

[Enter name of authors followed by author’s contribution.]
[At least one task from each group is required from an individual to be listed as author of the article, delete anything which is not applicable.]

[First Name Middle Name Family Name]
Group1 - Conception and design, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data
Group 2 - Drafting the article, Critical revision of the article
Group 3 - Final approval of the version to be published

[First Name Middle Name Family Name]
Group1 - Conception and design, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data
Group 2 - Drafting the article, Critical revision of the article
Group 3 - Final approval of the version to be published

[First Name Middle Name Family Name]
Group1 - Conception and design, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data
Group 2 - Drafting the article, Critical revision of the article
Group 3 - Final approval of the version to be published

[First Name Middle Name Family Name]
Group1 - Conception and design, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data
Group 2 - Drafting the article, Critical revision of the article
Group 3 - Final approval of the version to be published

[First Name Middle Name Family Name]
Group1 - Conception and design, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data
Group 2 - Drafting the article, Critical revision of the article
Group 3 - Final approval of the version to be published

[First Name Middle Name Family Name]
Group1 - Conception and design, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data
Group 2 - Drafting the article, Critical revision of the article
Group 3 - Final approval of the version to be published

[List here any individuals who contributed in the work but do not qualify for authorship base on the above criteria.]

[List here all the references in the order of citation in the text.  List all authors if less than six. If more than six authors, list the first six followed by “et.al.”]
[General style of reference is:]
[Surname First Name Middle Name, Surname First Name Middle Name. Title of article. Journal Name Year;Volume(Number):Full inclusive page numbers.]
[NO SPACES BETWEEN - Year;Volume(Number):Full inclusive page numbers. ]

1.     [Surname First Name Middle Name, Surname First Name Middle Name. Title of article. Journal Name Year;Volume(Number):Full inclusive page numbers.]
2.     [Surname First Name Middle Name, Surname First Name Middle Name. Title of article. Journal Name Year;Volume(Number):Full inclusive page numbers.]
3.     [Reference 3]
4.     [Reference 3]
5.     [Reference 3]
6.     [Reference 3]

[In this section include references to articles, abstracts, books, manuals, web pages, videos, presentations or any other material you have referred to in planning and writing your study which are either not directly relevant to your study or not important enough to be cited in the text and given in the "References" section.]

[Include any number of items in this section, but we suggest you to limit the number to 15 or less for review articles and original articles and 10 or less for case series and case reports.]

[Please DO NOT cite the items in the "Suggested Reading" section in the text of your manuscript.]

[All tables should be double spaced. Each table on a separate page[

Abbreviations: [Give here full form of all abbreviations used in the table. Give the full form even if it has been explained in the text.] 

[All tables should be double spaced. Each table on a separate page]
Table 2: [Type or copy/paste here a brief descriptive title of the table DO NOT use full-stop after table heading]

Abbreviations: [Give here full form of all abbreviations used in the table. Give the full form even if it has been explained in the text.]

Figure 1: [Give here a description of figures/image, include information like contrast media, stain, chemical, power used, protect patient privacy at all times. End the legend with full stop.]

Figure 2: (A) – [If a figure has many parts give here a description of part of figures/image, include information like contrast media, stain, chemical, power used, protect patient privacy at all times;] (B) – [Give here a description of part of figures/image, include information like contrast media, stain, chemical, power used, protect patient privacy at all times. End legend with full stop.]

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